Session 8
Safeton, Coldeven 26 (Waterday), 585, 10 am. cont. [...]
Safeton, Coldeven 26 (Waterday), 585, 10 am. cont. [...]
Safeton, Coldeven 26 (Waterday), 585, 10 am. The [...]
Safeton, Coldeven 25 (Godsday), 585, 1 pm. cont. [...]
Safeton, Coldeven 25 (Godsday), 585, 8 am. The [...]
Coldeven 24, 585, cont. The group carried on, [...]
Coldeven 24, 585, cont. Took the session to [...]
The Morndinsamman is the all-encompassing term for the Dwarven [...]
Storming Blade, Lady of Strikes, the Thunder, the Dancer [...]
The Seldarine are the (Good) Elven Gods. They tend [...]
Zilchus (ZIL-chus) is the Oeridian god of Power, Prestige, [...]